How does the Project Dashboard work

Select roles will see a dashboard on the Project Home Page that rolls up information across the project to provide an overview of how the Project is doing.

The Project Dashboard displays on the Project Home Page. This page is only accessible from the Portal level by clicking on the Project name in the Project Selection Grid or selecting the project from the Project Drop down. 


NOTE: Each Project Dashboard Key Performance Indicator (KPI) displays values based on all data contained within the project. Depending on the logged in users role, they may not have access to all the dashboard KPIs.


There are primarily three (3) types of KPIs shown at the Project level: percent complete, time elapsed and document status. Each type of KPI is outlined in more detail below.

Percent Complete

Project Work Completed and Project Time Elapsed both pull values from the most current pay period. Until the first pay estimate is generated, these values may display as '0' or 'null' to signify there is no value. These numbers are designed to give a quick dollar/time overview of where the project is.


Time Elapsed

Time Elapsed shows the average number of days an entry takes to go from created to completed. Some documents, like Submittals, have multiple 'completed' status and all 'end of line' status count as completed for the purposes of this calculation.  These numbers are designed to provide a quick overview of which documents are moving smoothly through the review and approval process and which documents are stalling.

Document Status

The bar charts show, by document, how many entries are in each status. Only status that contain an entry will display in the charts. Hovering over each bar with the cursor, will show the specific number of entries within each status. As this information shows all entries within the project, a user may see a higher number here than in the log page due to their specific permissions.


If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please reach out to our support team at and we will be happy to assist you.