How to complete a dropdown field

Users can type or use the mouse to select a value from a dropdown field.



Dropdown fields can be identified by the small, downward, pointing arrow that displays within the field input area. Dropdown fields allow for a single value to be selected from a predefined list. The list of values that populate the dropdown field can be updated by the System Administrator. A limited set of options is provided to allow for consistent entry of data for recording and reporting purposes.


Dropdown fields can be completed by clicking into the field with the mouse, scrolling through the list of options and clicking on the desired value. The field can also be completed by using the 'tab' keyboard key to enter the field and then start typing the name of the desired value. As more characters are typed, the dropdown field values will filter till the desired value is highlighted.  Press Enter to select the highlighted value.

Some dropdown fields have the values limited by another field within the same entry. The best example of this is the Ball in Court (BIC) field frequently found just below the 'To' field in the Address subsection. The BIC is a dropdown field that populates with project users however the list of users is limited to only show users who also exist in the corresponding 'To' field.


If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please reach out to our support team at and we will be happy to assist you.