New Users are created under the Portal Admin > User area. Users must be created within the Portal before they can be granted access to a Project.
Number | Description |
1 | Account. Each user is assigned to an Account. This is the FACS billing entity which allows for Users to be paid by different parties or projects. Only FACS users should be "FACS" Account. |
2 | Last Name. Users last name. |
3 | Company. Company the User belongs to. |
4 | Default Role. Role the added User will have until they access a project. Controls Portal level permissions and access. |
5 | First Name. Users first name. |
6 | Email. Work email address of the User. |
7 | Password. Allows for System Administrators to set a standard password. Passwords can be reset on the Project Login Page. |
8 | New. Allows for associating projects to the User. |
TIP: Company and Role need to be created in their respective areas prior to being available to be selected when adding new Users.
Number | Description |
1 | User. This read only field displays the User who is being added to a project. |
2 | Project. Select the project to assign the User to from the dropdown list. |
3 | User Role. Project Role to be assigned to the User. |
4 | Approving Manager. The Approving Manager is a Group that allows for another User, or Users, to have special access to Entries created by this User. |
5 | Select. Once the desired Approving Manager(s) have been highlighted, click the Select button to save them to the entry. |
NOTE: Users can be assigned to different roles for each project.
TIP: Users can be added to a Portal in bulk using the Upload option from the Portal User Log Page.
Please see our knowledge base page on How to assign Users to a Project to learn more.
Admin > Portal Admin > User
If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please reach out to our support team at and we will be happy to assist you.